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IAIS Report Finds that Global Reinsurers Remain Strong Despite Challenges

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors has released the Global Reinsurance Market Report 2009, which found that the global reinsurance market has demonstrated robustness and resilience despite the international financial turmoil of 2008.
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

IAIS Adopts a Supervisory Paper on Supervisory Colleges

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors has adopted a supervisory paper titled Guidance Paper on the Use of Supervisory Colleges in Group Wide Supervision.
Originally Published: 
Monday, October 26, 2009

IAIS Reports on Insurance Securitisation

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors released its midyear edition of the Global Reinsurance Market Report, titled Developments in (Re)Insurance Securitisation.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
