Internal Risk Management

Internal control systems are central to the identification and evaluation of risk. Following the collapse of Enron, it became a legislative  requirement for auditors to provide assurance that publicly listed corporations in the United States had effective internal control systems (Sarbanes-Oxley, s. 404). The limitations of risk managmeent became a critical issue in legislative hearings in both the United States and elsewhere in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. This series explores the strucutral reasons for the flaws and regulatory and corporate responses. 

Hedge Fund Standards Board Issues Consultation Paper on Internationalising and Strengthening the Hedge Fund Standards

The Hedge Fund Standards Board have published a consultation paper which set out a series of amendments to its Hedge Fund Standards which are designed to make the Standards more relevant internationally and to strengthen the Standards in the light of a number of issues that became apparent during th
Originally Published: 
Monday, August 8, 2011

International Monetary Fund Releases Working Paper Investigating Whether Short-term Wholesale Funding is The Greatest Systemic Risk Factor

This working paper from the International Monetary Fund looks at a global system comprising large banks from a range of countries to assess the sources of systemic risk and contagion from individual institutions to the system as a whole.
Originally Published: 
Sunday, February 12, 2012

International Monetary Fund Releases Working Paper on Bank Capital Adequacy in Australia

A new working paper published by the International Monetary Fund indicates that Australia’s conservative approach to the implementation of Basel II has resulted in high quality capital at good levels, suggesting that they are well-positioned to meet the Basel III standards on both capital and liquid
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bank for International Settlements Releases Conference Papers on the Relationship Between Financial Regulation and Growth

The Bank for International Settlements has released a collection of 10 papers from a conference held in November 2011 on the relationship between financial regulation and growth, equity and stability.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, January 12, 2012
