Market Conduct Regulation

Financial regulation can usefully be bifurcated into prudential and business conduct dimensions. The former concentrates on standards, guidelines and recommendations of best practice on capital adequacy, liquidity and solvency risk and procedures for the orderly winding down of regulated financial institutions. Market conduct regulation, on the other hand, refers to the operation of the market. Regulators are increasingly moving towards expansive definitions of what consitutes market integrity. This series explores the consequences of this move. It evaluates market conduct regulatory performance across three main areas - structure (or mandate), internal processes and managerial discretion - and five dimensions Compliance, Ethics, Deterrernce, Accountability and Risk (CEDAR).

CPSS-IOSCO Publish Final Report on Requirements for OTC Derivatives Data Reporting and Aggregation

The International Organisation of Securities Commissions and the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems have published a final report on the over-the-counter derivatives data that should be collected, stored and disseminated by trade repositories.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bank for International Settlements Publishes Report on The Macrofinancial Implications of Alternative Configurations for Access to Central Counterparties in OTC Markets

This report by the Bank for International Settlements analyses the potential implications for financial stability and efficiency of alternative access arrangements to central counterparties.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, November 17, 2011

CPSS-IOSCO Release Joint Report on Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures

Issued for public consultation by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions, the new standards are designed to ensure that the essential infrastructure supporting global financial markets is even more robus
Originally Published: 
Thursday, March 10, 2011

IOSCO Publishes Consultation Report on Suspensions of Redemptions in Collective Investment Schemes

The International Organization of Securities Commissions has published a consultation report which outlines principles against which both industry and regulators can assess the quality of regulation and industry practices concerning the suspensions of redemptions in collective investment schemes.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Financial Services Authority Publishes Report on Possible Sources of Systemic Risk from Hedge Funds (Sept-Oct 2010)

The Financial Services Authority has published a report that set out the results from its latest Hedge Fund Survey (carried out in September 2010) and Hedge Fund as Counterparty Survey (carried out in October 2010).
Originally Published: 
Monday, February 28, 2011

Nine Securities Regulators Join IOSCO’s Fight Against Cross Border Market Misconduct

The International Organization of Securities Commissions has announced that nine further securities regulatory authorities had been invited to become full signatories of the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding concerning Consultation, Cooperation and the Exchange of Information.
Originally Published: 
Monday, April 18, 2011
