Market Conduct Regulation

Financial regulation can usefully be bifurcated into prudential and business conduct dimensions. The former concentrates on standards, guidelines and recommendations of best practice on capital adequacy, liquidity and solvency risk and procedures for the orderly winding down of regulated financial institutions. Market conduct regulation, on the other hand, refers to the operation of the market. Regulators are increasingly moving towards expansive definitions of what consitutes market integrity. This series explores the consequences of this move. It evaluates market conduct regulatory performance across three main areas - structure (or mandate), internal processes and managerial discretion - and five dimensions Compliance, Ethics, Deterrernce, Accountability and Risk (CEDAR).

CPSS-IOSCO Publishes Final Report on Requirements for OTC Derivatives Data Reporting and Aggregation

The International Organisation of Securities Commissions and the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems have published a final report on over-the-counter derivatives data that should be collected, stored and disseminated by trade repositories.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

European Securities and Markets Authority Annual Report on the Application of the Credit Rating Agencies Regulation

From 1 July 2011, the European Securities and Markets Authority was given exclusive responsibility for the registration and supervision of credit rating agencies in the EU. ESMA has published its first Annual Report on the Application of the Credit Rating Agencies Regulation.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, January 12, 2012

European Parliament Assessment of the Cumulative Impact of Various Regulatory Initiatives on the European Banking Sector

An assessment concerning the cumulative impact of various regulatory initiatives on the European banking sector was published by the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee.
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

European Securities and Markets Authority Questions Whether Market Transparency Prevents Crises

The European Securities and Markets Authority has published a speech given by its chairman, Steven Maijoor, which explains the reasons why transparency is an essential ingredient of securities regulation and why it has been considered to be the traditional solution in response to market imperfection
Originally Published: 
Thursday, September 29, 2011

ASIC Releases Proposed Good Practice Guidance on Advertising Financial Products and Advice Services

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has issued a consultation paper to “assist promoters and publishers present advertisements that are accurate and balanced and that help investors and financial consumers make decisions that are appropriate for them”.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
