Financial Advice

Financial Reporting Council Publishes An Update for Directors of Listed Companies On Responding to Increased Country and Currency Risk in Financial Reports

The Financial Reporting Council has published an Update for Directors of Listed Companies in the UK to assist them in responding to increased country and currency risk in their annual and half-yearly financial reports.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Releases Consultation Paper on Executive Remuneration

The UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skill have released a consultation paper which explores wider questions on the role of shareholders and remuneration committees in the process of setting pay and how pay is structured to incentivise and reward.
Originally Published: 
Monday, September 19, 2011

SEC Staff Paper Explores Method of Incorporating International Standards Into U.S. Reporting System

The Securities and Exchange Commission have released a staff paper which explores whether, when, and how the current U.S. financial reporting system should be transitioned to a system incorporating International Financial Reporting Standards and presents a possible framework for implementation.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Institutional Shareholder Services Releases White Paper on Evaluating Pay for Performance

In response to investor feedback on the issue of pay-for performance, which indicated a preference for putting the focus on long-term alignment, board decision-making, and pay relative to both market peers and to absolute shareholder returns, Institutional Shareholder Services has published a white
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
