
Stengthening capital buffers and reducing systemic risk lies at the heart of the global regulatory reform agenda. The task is co-ordinated through the work of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Although there is less on business conduct there are inevitable areas of overlap, for example in the manaufacture and sale of complex financai products and the extent to which regulated entities, availing of implicit taxpayer guarantees can or should engage in proprietory trading. This series explores the main features of Basel Three and tracks its implementation through the relevant Basel sub-committies - the Standards Implementation Group, The Policy Development Group, the Accounting Task Force - as well as the Basel Consultative Group, which cordinates the relationship with non-banking regulators.    

European Commission Consultation Document on a New European Regime for Venture Capital

The European Commission Directorate General Internal Market and Services has published a consultation paper on a new European regime for venture capital which aims to address the two problems that venture capital funds that intend to raise funds and invest on a cross-border basis in the EU are confr
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Speech by Chancellor of the Exchequer on Regulation of the UK Banking and Financial Services Industry

In his speech at the Lord Mayor’s dinner for bankers and merchants of the City of London, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne MP, stated that the British economy is concerned with two key issues: (i) what the right culture of regulation is; and (ii) how international rules apply and wher
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

SFC-HKMA Jointly Introduce Mystery Shopping Programme to Monitor Selling Practices

The Securities and Futures Commission and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority jointly engaged an external service provider, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, to carry out mystery shopping exercises between July and November 2010 to look into the selling practices of intermediaries involving unlisted
Originally Published: 
Monday, May 2, 2011


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