
Stengthening capital buffers and reducing systemic risk lies at the heart of the global regulatory reform agenda. The task is co-ordinated through the work of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Although there is less on business conduct there are inevitable areas of overlap, for example in the manaufacture and sale of complex financai products and the extent to which regulated entities, availing of implicit taxpayer guarantees can or should engage in proprietory trading. This series explores the main features of Basel Three and tracks its implementation through the relevant Basel sub-committies - the Standards Implementation Group, The Policy Development Group, the Accounting Task Force - as well as the Basel Consultative Group, which cordinates the relationship with non-banking regulators.    

SEC Releases Study on Investor Access to Registration Information About Investment Advisers and Broker-Dealers

As required by section 919B of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission has published a staff study recommending steps to help investors better access information about investment professionals.
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Federal Reserve Board Reports on Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review involved the Federal Reserve Board’s forward looking evaluation of the internal capital planning processes of large, complex bank holding companies and their proposals to undertake capital actions in 2011, such as increasing dividend payments or repurch
Originally Published: 
Friday, March 18, 2011

Government Accountability Office Audits Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Fund’s 2009 and 2010 Financial Statements

Section 17 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended, requires the Government Accountability Office to annually audit the financial statements of the Deposit Insurance Fund and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Resolution Fund.
Originally Published: 
Monday, March 21, 2011

Evaluation of Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Oversight of Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Executive Compensation Programs

Given the concerns about executive compensation levels at companies that have received federal financial support, the FHFA Office of Inspector General initiated this evaluation to assess the processes used to develop the enterprises’ compensation packages.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Exit Strategy and Planning Process for the Enterprises’ Structural Reform

In accordance with Title XIV of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency Officer of Inspector General proposed reforms to the enterprises’ fundamental roles and structures.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Review on the Orderly Liquidation of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Under the Dodd-Frank Act

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has released a report entitled “The Orderly Liquidation of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Under the Dodd-Frank Act.” The report examines how the FDIC could have structured an orderly resolution of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Originally Published: 
Monday, April 18, 2011


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