The EU Market Abuse Directive: a case-based analysis
The EU Market Abuse Directive: A Case-Based Analysis
Mathias M. Siems
Since the law on market abuse in EU countries has in recent years become predominantly European-based, it makes sense to address this area of law from a European point of view. However, there is, so far, no European case law on the new market abuse regime. This article therefore uses some hypothetical and real-world examples in order explain the main content and practical problems of the new law. First, it analyses the three main elements of the European market abuse regime, namely: insider dealing, ad hoc publicity and market manipulation. Subsequently, the limits to these provisions - including cross-border aspects - are addressed. The final part deals with enforcement issues, in particular the extent to which the law of the Member States remains important.
Law and Financial Markets Review, Volume 2, Number 1, January 2008, pp. 39-49
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