
CLMR Working Paper 12-3: Enforcing Compliance or Privileging Unaccountability? The Efficacy and Dangers of Deferred Prosecutions in the Corporate Sector

The difficulties associated with managing and surviving a hostile operating environment has weakened commitment to ethical operating standards.
Originally Published: 
Saturday, September 1, 2012

CLMR Working Paper 12-4: The Great Game Rebooted or the Long March to Acceptance? The Legal and Policy Impediments to Chinese Investment in Australian Corporations and Business Opportunities

The rise of state capitalism poses profound questions for Australia.
Originally Published: 
Saturday, September 1, 2012

CLMR Working Paper 12-5: Shooting Fish in a Barrel: Sophisticated Investor Protection in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis

In a landmark ruling, the Australian Federal Court has found that monetary capacity alone cannot serve as a proxy for the sophistication of investors transacting in complex financial instruments.
Originally Published: 
Monday, October 1, 2012
