ASIC’s Forward Plan for Insolvency Industry

ASIC has issued its first annual report into its supervision of registered liquidators using it to highlight its areas of focus. Report 287 ASIC regulation of registered liquidators: January to December 2011 shows ASIC completed more than 200 reviews examining issues including practitioner independence, competence and remuneration. Key statistics from REP 287: (i) ASIC opened eight formal investigations into registered liquidators. At year end it had 10 open investigations; (ii) ASIC received and analysed 426 reports of alleged misconduct concerning registered liquidators; and (iii) Reports of alleged misconduct and enquiries against registered liquidators average 3.5% of the total 75,951 reports and enquiries ASIC received across all its areas over the five and a half years to 31 December 2011. ASIC completed more than 200 reviews examining issues including practitioner independence, competence and remuneration.

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