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State of Ireland: State of Crisis

Justin O'Brien of the CLMR at the University of New South Wales discusses how the interlinked corporate regulatory and political failures in Ireland has produced a seismic shift in the political landscape.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Federal Reserve Board Reports on Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review involved the Federal Reserve Board’s forward looking evaluation of the internal capital planning processes of large, complex bank holding companies and their proposals to undertake capital actions in 2011, such as increasing dividend payments or repurch
Originally Published: 
Friday, March 18, 2011

FSA Speech on Creating the Financial Conduct Authority

The chief executive of the Financial Services Authority ("FSA"), Hector Sants has given a speech in which he discusses the FSA’s current thinking with regard to the regulatory philosophy in which the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") will be created, including: the consumer pro
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Implementation of the IOSCO Credit Rating Agencies Principles

The purpose of the report was to evaluate, in light of the 2003 IOSCO Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies, several of the recent regulatory initiatives that impact or will shortly impact credit rating agencies whose ratings are used for regulatory purposes in multiple juris
Originally Published: 
Thursday, February 24, 2011
