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Highly Dilutive Rights Issues

Originally Published: 
Friday, November 9, 2012
Rights issues have played an important role in enabling companies to reduce debt given recent global financial instability - however, this dilutes the interests of shareholders.

Regulating Culture: Gaming the World's Most Important Number

Originally Published: 
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
How and why was the open secret of LIBOR manipulation ignored by the British Banking Association, regulators and banks themselves? Self-interest, myopia and culture are the plausible explanations.

Resetting LIBOR? Is it Possible or Desirable?

Originally Published: 
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The priorities of market actors and the evolution of financial markets themselves may render Libor and any UK-based successor more marginal in future global financial markets.

IOSCO Creates Board Level Task Force on Financial Market Benchmarks

The International Organization of Securities Commissions has constituted a Board Level Task Force on Financial Market Benchmarks to identify relevant benchmark-related policy issues and develop global policy guidance and principles for benchmark-related activities of particular relevance to market r
Originally Published: 
Friday, September 14, 2012

IOSCO III: When the Rubber Hits the Road

Originally Published: 
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
When public interest priorities of a multi-lateral actor such as IOSCO meet the hard surface of economic self-interest as in regulation of US money market funds the rubber really hits the road.

GE Money Changes Personal Loan Online Advertising

GE Money has changed its online advertising of personal loans and debt consolidation following ASIC concerns that the advertising was potentially misleading.
Originally Published: 
Friday, August 17, 2012
