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European Banking Authority Recommendation on Banks’ Recapitalisation Needs

The European Banking Authority has published a Recommendation, relating to banks’ recapitalization needs as part of a broader European package agreed by the European Council in October 2011 to address the current situation in the EU by restoring stability and confidence in financial markets.
Originally Published: 
Thursday, December 8, 2011

ASIC Commences Second Phase of Review of Financial Advice Industry Practice

In stage two of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's review of the financial advice industry, ASIC intends to provide a questionnaire to 30 of the largest financial service licensees that will include specific questions on licensee business models, training of representatives,
Originally Published: 
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

UK Treasury Releases Consultation Paper on Bank Executive Remuneration Disclosure

This consultation details the UK Government's proposals for the disclosure requirements contemplated under "Project Merlin", which includes consultation on a mandatory requirement for all large UK banks to publish the pay of their eight highest paid senior executive officers.
Originally Published: 
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Do Shareholders Really Value? (Interview)

Can corporations' relentless focus on maximising shareholder wealth actually harm investors? UNSW's Professor Justin O'Brien talks to UCLA's Professor Lynn Stout about her ideas which challenge traditional views on corporate law and the shareholder.
Originally Published: 
Sunday, December 4, 2011
